Sunday, August 21, 2022

Lindell: One "Billion" People Would Watch Voter Fraud Summit;
On Saturday, He Was Off By Only 999,999,940.

Tina Peters, a Mesa County, Colorado, clerk and the star speaker of Mike Pillow's latest vote fraud symposium two-day clown show, was prohibited from attending after being indicted for allegedly breaching voting machines (she hired people to tamper with the machines and copy software).
Another speaker, a Wisconsin sheriff that Lindell flew to the event, apparently went missing. Lindell vowed to find the sheriff. (Foul play by the deep state?)

Lindell promised one "billion" people would tune in this weekend to hear his (non-existent) evidence of 2020 vote fraud. On Saturday morning, at 9:30 a.m., 28 people were watching. Just past noon, that number had ballooned to 60 people.

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