Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Ohio Republicans Designate Themselves Inspectors Of Childen's Genitals

From June 3, 2022:

House Republicans in Ohio passed HB 151 last night, which had a surprise and grotesque last-minute addition that would subject female high school and college athletes to a forced examination (what the bill describes as a "verification process") of their internal and external genitals if anyone "accuses or suspects" they might be transgender.

The language of the Orwellian "Save Women's Sports Act" (House Bill 61) was stapled onto H.B. 151 , which would revise Ohio's Teacher Residency Program.

Every single Democrat voted against the bill, but the Republicans had enough votes to pass it. The final tally was 56-28; 15 lawmakers did not vote.

According to Equality Ohio and the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OSHAA), there is currently one transgender girl currently participating in high school athletics.

Rep. Dr. Beth Liston, a Democrat from Dublin:
I was told "in the last seven years the OSHAA transgender policy has been in place, we have never had more than one transgender female participating on a girls team at the high school level in any given year". . . . This is a made-up controversy and this amendment is state-sanctioned bullying against one child. . . . This is truly bizarre medically . . . 

1 comment:

  1. The next time I hear that trans people are too sensitive, imagining they are persecuted, I hope I remember this. There aren't enough vomit emojis in the world.
