Friday, July 08, 2022

J6 Committee Member: Next Tuesday's Hearing "Will Be An Important Day For The Country";
Yesterday, Former WH Counsel Pat Cipollone Answered Questions For 8 Hours, Did Not Contradict Any Previous Witnesses

Former Trump White House counsel Pat Cipollone answered questions for eight hours on Friday from the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol.

Cipollone willingly met with the Committee. His testimony was recorded and some of it may be shown  publicly as soon as next Tuesday, when the Committee will hold its seventh public hearing (10 AM ET). (An eighth hearing may be held next Thursday.)

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the committee, told CNN they heard "a lot" of "significant new information". She said Cipollone: (a) never asserted his Fifth Amendment rights; (b) never asserted privilege; and (c) did not contradict any previous witness's statements. That's very bad news for Trump, who will soon be claiming he never knew Cipollone, who was merely the guy who wheeled the coffee tray into meetings.

Mary Trump says it's likely an "understatement" to describe her uncle's state of mind at the moment as "terrified".
This might be the first time in his entire life that even he can't deny the walls that are closing in. The amount of evidence that we see coming out of these committee hearings is overwhelming.
Cipollone's name came up numerous times during the June 28 testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, whose evidence was so damning that Fox's Bret Baier called it "compelling", "really, really powerful" and "stunning", while his two co-hosts were simply left speechless.

Trump and his cult criticized Hutchinson (naturally), but the attacks were completely ad hominem (naturally); no one offered any counterpoint to any part of her testimony. Sarah Matthews, deputy press secretary in the Trump White House until she resigned following the January 6 attack, has also agreed to testify before the Committee. Last week, she tweeted that anyone downplaying Hutchinson's role in the adminsitration or her West Wing access is simply trying to discredit her "because they're scared of how damning [her] testimony" was.

The upcoming hearing on Tuesday, July 12 is expected to focus on the connections between the Trump White House and various militia and extremist groups, including the Proud Boys (recognized as a terrorist group by both Canada and New Zealand), Oath Keepers, Three Percenters (also considered a terrorist group by Canada), to bring the armed mob to DC and the Capitol.

"Tuesday's hearing will be an important day for the country," Lofgren said.

On July 2, the Editorial Board of the Washington Post stated it is now "beyond doubt" that "an intensive criminal investigation" into Trump's role in the insurrection must occur. Indeed, the Justice Department "should have no higher priority" than investigating "all of those involved in one of the darkest days in American history". (Would someone please wake up Rip Van Garland?)

Here are many of the free articles at Seth Abramson's Proof, a number of which relate to the expected subject of Tuesday's hearing:
From descriptions of key figures to ties between the far-right, neofascist, chauvinist, white nationalist group and Trump's inner circle, this article series has you covered.
March 18, 2021

This story is long, complex, and almost too odd to believe, but every word of it is true.
April 12, 2021

In Part III of its exposé on the Proud Boys, Proof details the white supremacist group's January 6 interactions with both the U.S. Secret Service and Trump campaign agents.
April 15, 2021

Trump's legal team admits it had a "war room" in a hotel frequented by insurrectionist leaders Alex Jones and Roger Stone during the insurrection. Its roster of attendees could now become a scandal.
June 13, 2021

The involvement of DHS in the events of January 6, 2021 can no longer be ignored— especially now that a former DHS employee has been located in Trump's Insurrection Day communications center.
June 14, 2021

From Eric Trump to the State Department, paramilitaries to pro-Trump rappers, Trump lawyers to Stop the Steal, this portrait of the ties of an invitee to an Insurrection Week "war room" is telling.
June 17, 2021

Proof reveals three new participants in Trump's Insurrection Week war room: one a militant, two who helped a Capitol-breaching Stop the Steal insurrectionist broadcast Trump propaganda from January 6.
June 30, 2021

It's become increasingly clear that Trump and his legal team directed an effort to occupy the U.S. Capitol long enough for Trump allies in six states to decertify Joe Biden's 2020 election victory.
November 2, 2021

This shocking new PROOF series details mounting evidence that Trump's seditious January 6 conspiracy is at the point of collapse because of the cowardice, fear, and perfidy of his co-conspirators.
January 30, 2022

A recent NYT report explosively updates past reporting at PROOF on Ginni Thomas's involvement in January 6. The new revelations—taken in sum—position Thomas as a chief author of the insurrection.
February 23, 2022

One of the most dangerous men in the U.S. remains at large, subpoenaed by DOJ and Congress but not yet held accountable for January 6—a day he did as much to shape as anyone in America.
May 31, 2022

Oh . . . Christina Bobb, a Trump Toady who helped plan the insurrection while working as an OAN reporter and may have helped draft the executive order to have the Pentagon seize voting machines, says the 2020 election may be overturned and Trump may be reinstated. Bobb claims that three (unnamed) states might decertify their 2020 election results and send the resolutions to Congress, which after the mid-term elections might be more amenable to an illegal scheme. "It's a complex issue," she says, as though that makes it any less batshit.

Important Note: There is no provision (none, zero, zilch) in the US Constitution for the decertification of a presidential election.

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