Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Uvalde Police Chief Now In Hiding, Refusing To Answer For His (In)Actions
Note: There Have Been 20 Mass Shootings Since Last Week's Massacre In Texas

Another day has passed and more lies from the cowards running law enforcement in Uvalde, Texas, have been revealed. The attempt to pin the blame for the deaths of 19 children and two adults on an unnamed teacher fell apart today, forcing the police to admit its previous story was utter horseshit. (Thankfully, the name of that innocent teacher was not made public.)

Eight days has passed since police did nothing for nearly 90 minutes in Uvalde and then proceeded to lie about every aspect of that dereliction of duty. And yet . . . No one has lost his job. No one has resigned in shame.

Wednesday's mass shooting at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the 20th mass shooting since last Tuesday's massacre in Uvalde, Texas.

Uvalde's police chief Pete Arredondo has apparently gone into hiding, refusing to cooperate with investigators. Which likely means that as bad as the facts to date have been, there is probably worse that has yet to be publicly known.

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