Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Far-Right Hypocrites Support Supreme Court's Decision Allowing Protestors Free Reign To Harass Patients Outside Health Clinics, But Start Whining And Crying When Protestors Gather Outside Justices' Homes

Democrats Act Like Democrats, Immediately Abandon Their Charade
Of Caring About Women's Rights, Rush To Support Republicans

Senate Dems Won't Protect Abortion Rights, But Vote Unanimously To Protect Justices From Protests
"It's remarkable how quickly the Senate has acted to protect the privacy and safety of five justices," said one critic. "It's something senators are unwilling to do for millions of women."
Julia Conley, Common Dreams, May 10, 2022
Progressives are intensifying calls for the U.S. Congress to pass legislation codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law to counter Republicans' plan to overturn the landmark abortion rights ruling, but on Monday evening Senate Democrats' attention was on a bill aimed at protecting the U.S. Supreme Court justices' family members from protests like those held over the weekend.

There were no reports of violence at pro-choice protests held outside the homes of right-wing Justices Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts over the weekend, but . . . President Joe Biden  . . . suggest[ed] that the demonstrators, including Kavanaugh's neighbors, who chanted pro-choice slogans and carried signs, had posed a threat to the justices' safety.

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