Sunday, April 03, 2022

Trump In Michigan, September 2020: "If I Lose, You'll Never See Me Again"
Trump In Michigan, April 2022: "I Was Right About Everything"

When Donald Trump was in Michigan in September 2020, he said:
If I lose to [Joe Biden] . . . I will never speak to you again. You'll never see me again.
That statement was not among the 30,573 lies counted by the Washington Post.


* * *

He's Been Telling This Lie For 7 Years (The Award Doesn't Exist)

Self-Described Billionaire Begs Supporters For Cash 20 Times A Day


  1. It's horrifying to read this stuff. Since Trump/Pence and 'Impeach Biden'signs are no novelty on Waldo County, Maine's back roads (and 'back roads' are the only kind we have), none of it, awful as it is, is actually astonishing, except the remark of the woman who somehow finds Melania Trump "humble." We must be using different dictionaries.

  2. Somebody should actually do this

    After a Dump Rally, get the Media & or anybody brave enough, to hand out Certificates to the Dumpsters/Human Dogfood

    The Certificate should proudly declare that :

    "You are a National Moron"

    It could be International Moron, Outstanding Moron, whatever

    It would be Priceless & Hilarious, or perhaps Hillaryous !
