Thursday, April 21, 2022

Marjorie Nazi Greene Faces Questions About Her Involvement In Seditious January 6 Attack: Friday Morning, Under Oath, Live On TV!

Free Speech for People, a nonpartisan organization that works to defend the Constitution, states that Rep. Marjorie Nazi Greene should be barred from running for reelection in Georgia's 14th Congressional District this fall because her involvement in the seditious attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, violates the "insurrection disqualification clause" of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

The 14th Amendment, Section 3, states (emphasis added):
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

A federal judge ruled this week that Greene must testify before an administrative law judge in Atlanta.

Ron Fein, legal director of Free Speech for People:

It's rare for any conspirator, let alone a Member of Congress, to publicly admit that the goals of their actions are preventing a peaceful transfer of power and the death of the president-elect and Speaker of the House, but that's exactly what Marjorie Taylor Greene did. The Constitution disqualifies from public office any elected officials who aided the insurrection, and we look forward to asking Representative Greene about her involvement under oath.
(Free Speech for People has also filed similar lawsuits on behalf of voters in North Carolina and Arizona to prevent Reps. Madison Cawthorn ("If our election systems continue to be rigged, it's going to lead to one place, and it's bloodshed"), Paul Gosar, and Andy Biggs from running for reelection.)

In her public comments, Greene appears either indignant that she has to answer to anyone for her actions or she is scared shitless. ("They're going to allow the press in the courtroom. They're going to allow the whole thing to be videoed live!") She's right to panic, because she is far too stupid to lie consistently, and may not possess the firmest grip on reality to begin with.

There is significant evidence in the public record that she was involved in the planning of the January 6 attack (in addition to whatever has been revealed to the House Committee investigating the insurrection). On October 26, 2021, Greene said the purpose of January 6 was "to overthrow tyrants". She boasted she "was proud of [the riot] and would do [it] again" and anyone who disapproves should "just get over it". 

She has called for the execution of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi (who was one of the main targets of the January 6 mob, which had set up a scaffold outside the Capitol). Also: "The only way you get your freedoms back is it's earned with the price of blood." This should be a lose-lose situation for Greene (who, in addition to an endless list of idiotic statements, has paid nearly $100,000 in fines because she refuses to follow mask guidelines).

Because of this clear evidence of insurrection, there would have been cause under the 14th Amendment for Greene (and numerous other seditionists) to have not been sworn in as representatives on January 20. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi worries about US democracy being destroyed if the far-right wins big in the mid-terms, yet she flatly refused to follow the clear guidelines of the Constitution and bar every one of the insurrectionists from serving back in January. She's a perfect Democrat: a lot of grand talk and absolutely no substantive action.)


If Greene tells the truth about her role in the insurrection – she's fucked.

If Greene lies, she has committed perjury – she's fucked.

If Greene invokes the Fifth Amendment, her refusal to answer implies guilt – she's fucked. 

That's an interesting point by Anne Lockwood: in the days before the insurrection, Greene was still a private citizen (though a representative-elect). How and why was she such a big part of the December  2020 coup planning sessions? There is a similar question surrounding Lauren Boebert: How did she rate a seat almost in the front-row for Trump's riot-inciting speech on the morning of January 6?


  1. MTG ought to try the Tucker Carlson defense, the one where his lawyers argued that no one expected facts from the man! MTG: "I am a performance artist, an entertainer on a worldwide stage, and no one should expect that my emanations are anything other than phantoms dredged from a swampdweller's darkest imaginings, fantasies, and paranoid devilements."

  2. I'd pay money to see her try and say that. Words like are , than and from she may cope with. Anything longer ? Not. A. Chance. In. Hell.

  3. It will NEVER stop being Incredibly Funny & Awfully Sad that this feeble excuse for a Human Being is not in a Home for the Bewildered .....

    Perhaps she can have that facility named after her ?
