Friday, April 08, 2022

America In Crisis: "Gay Cookies"
(Every Accusation Is A Confession From The Party Of Pedophiles)

This is not normal behaviour.

"I do not like gay cookies": Conservatives vow to boycott Oreo over new ad
Right-wing talking heads Greg Kelly and Ben Shapiro vow to boycott "gay cookies" after Oreo releases LGBTQ film
Ashlie D. Stevens, Salon, April 5, 2022

Boycotting Disney and Oreos: The red flags that MAGA is a cult
Cutting followers off from the rest of the world is a standard cult tactic — and a central tenet of Trumpism
Amanda Marcotte, Salon, April 7, 2022

Ari Drennen, Media Matters, April 7, 2022:
While Fox News has devoted segment after segment to covering Disney's opposition to the "Don't Say Gay" law passed in Florida, absurdly claiming that the entertainment giant supports "grooming" children for sex, the network hasn't found time to inform its viewers about a legislative attempt that could actually sexualize children. The network failed to cover a Tennessee bill that originally would have created a new category of heterosexual marriage with no lower age limit.
Meanwhile . . . :

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