Sunday, February 27, 2022

Liberate Canada!

UPDATED: Dementia-addled fascist and serial rapist also wants US to invade and liberate Canada: * * *
You could say Lauren Boebert is as dumb as a box of rocks, but unlike Boebert, rocks can be useful . . . and do not deserve to be insulted. (Last September, she demanded that President Biden be impeached. In her official statement to the press, she included a graphic that read: IMEACH BIDEN.

Boebert, a QAnon believer and Taliban-supporter who makes the news only for saying something moronic or racist, is merely the most recent far-right extremist to talk this month about invading Canada. A few months before taking office, Boebert claims to have received her high school GED, but has provided no evidence she actually received it. An acquaintance of Boebert claims after Boebert failed the exam twice, someone took the text for her and passed. (She also has a lengthy rap sheet, as does her husband, including an arrest for exposing himself to minors.)

On February 11, Fox's Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld agreed that the US should invade Canada.
Watters: We have to liberate the truckers from Canada. I say we do a full-blown invasion into Canada, make Canada part of the United States. I think everybody would agree that's the right move?

Gutfeld: You know what, I like the sound of that, and I like the look of that map. You know, when Justin Trudeau said everything is on the table, didn't he just suggest a willingness to go to war? Because they are saying that Americans are involved, so did he just basically say let's go, America?
Four days later, on February 15, Watters again said he wanted to "liberate" Canada from its "dictatorship".
We have to finish the wall and build a fresh one in the north if this keeps up. Or we could just liberate the Canadians from their dictatorship. . . . There's room for a few more stars on the flag.
On February 18, Candace Owens, another anti-democracy extremist, pushed this month for the US to invade Canada in support of Ottawa's anti-vaccine convoy. Tucker Carlson, another Fox talking (empty) head, has called Canadian Prime Minister a "Stalinist dictator" who "suspended democracy and declared Canada a dictatorship".

Of course, Fox's own lawyers have argued successfully in court that no reasonable viewer could believe anything Carlson says. (Good thing all his viewers are highly unreasonable. Last week, Carlson did a full 180 – on consecutive nights! – about who was to blame for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I wonder if any of his loyal listeners even noticed.)

In November 2020, as Fox's Sean Hannity discussed a petition for a recount of election votes in Wisconsin, an on-screen map identified the upper peninsula of Michigan as part of Canada.

Seen on Twitter today: "Lauren Boebert couldn't find Canada on a map of Canada."

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