Monday, January 24, 2022

Trump Wanders Around Mar-A-Lago Dining Room Every Single Night, Begging For Applause

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In other news, after Trump heard the January 6 Committee wants to question his daughter Ivanka, he ripped the Committee for picking on a "child". . . . Ivanka Trump is 40 years old. By the way, that line about "toddlers appearing before judges" refers to the deportation hearings connected to Trump's inhumane separation of thousands of more than 5,500 children, some as young as four months old, from their parents at the US-Mexico border.

On June 27, 2018, the Texas Tribune reported: "Immigrant Toddlers Ordered To Appear In Court Alone". The following month, NPR reported: "1-Year-Old Shows Up In Immigration Court"

Close to four years later, the parents of about 270 children still have not been found. The Trump administration did not bother to keep too many records. There was talk of each family being financially compensated (as if a check could make up for the trauma of having your one-year-old daughter stolen from you and then returned when she is five), but Joe Biden has said, "Fuck that."

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