Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Trump Is Asked: If Republicans Retake Congress, What Should Their Priorities Be? What Should They Do First? He Offered A Lengthy Word Salad, But Could Not Name One Thing.

Newsmax: Sounds like the Republicans are going to take back control of the Congress and what would you like to see them do first. What should be Priority #1, if they do take back control?

Trump: Number one, take back. That's what has to be number one. We have to take it back. These are radicalized, horrible people that hate our country what they're doing with the open borders and the judges and all of the things they've been doing it's so sad and then you look at Afghanistan as a topic the way they came out we were coming out and we were coming out strong with dignity there's never been a lower point than what happened with Afghanistan in my opinion so we've got number one we've got to win the House and I think we can win the Senate also we should win the House maybe handily and I think we should win the Senate.
Man, he's still got the best words.

Over a period of two months during the 2020 campaign, Donald Trump was asked roughly six times, by a variety of journalists, to elaborate on his goals in a second term, should he win the election. What plans did he have? What did he want to achieve?

In every single interview, Trump was unable to name even one goal. He had no clue. Even after he struck out the first two times he was asked, which should have been highly embarrassing, either his advisors didn't bother suggesting a few things he could say the next time he was asked or they did and he was unable to remember anything. . . . His head is equally blank here.

But was it really Trump? Some people apparently think it was an imposter!

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