Thursday, January 13, 2022

Pillow Man Claims To Possess Vote Fraud Evidence That Will Send 300 Million Americans To Prison For Life (Note: There Are Only 258 Million Adults In The US)

Philip Bump, Washington Post, January 12, 2022:

It's remarkable to consider that there is a wealthy man who has spent tons of money, certainly millions of dollars, in a futile effort to prove that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election and that that wealthy man is not Donald Trump. On the metric of putting one's money where one's mouth is, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is running laps around the former president.

Suggesting that, for all of the heat Trump has taken for his unique track record in business, he does have at least enough sense to adopt an approach of frugality toward this year-plus-long waste of time and money.

Lindell does not. . . .

The watchdog group Right Wing Watch on Wednesday published a snippet of a Lindell interview that aired on the pro-Trump streaming site Real America's Voice. In it, Lindell asserts that he's more confident than ever that he will prove the thing he has, so far, completely failed to prove in any way, shape or form . . .

"I'm more optimistic today than I have been — yesterday, the day before that. I'm on an incline like this," Lindell said, using his hand to show the increase. "Why? Because it's so amazing, all the things that we have — we already have all the pieces to the puzzle. When you talk about evidence, we had enough evidence to put everybody in prison for life, 300-some million people, we had that all the way back to November, December."

So why hasn't it happened? Because, he explained, he had to wait for evil to reveal itself. . . .

There were roughly 158 million votes cast in the 2020 US presidential election. Sending all of those people to jail for life would mean also incarcerating every single Trump voter, a plan to which I am not opposed, but one I do not believe Mike Lindell is advocating.

According to the 2020 Census Bureau, there are 331.4 million people living in the US, including 258.3 million adults. Bump figured out that there are 302 million Americans over the age of seven.

If we assume that everyone who was 6 or younger did not commit The Crime That Is So Bad, then we get to Lindell's number. Sorry for those 9-year-olds about to spend the next 65 years at Leavenworth.

How will all of these people get arrested? (Lindell says he has possessed the damning evidence for two months!) Will the Kindergarten crowd be tasked with that job? Where will all the prisoners be held?  And how long will the vote fraud trials take or are these 300 million people simply going to be tossed in the clink for life with no trial?

So many questions . . .  and, of course (sadly), Lindell was not asked to provide additional details. Bump writes:

If you're curious, the interviewer did not press him on this seemingly important point, instead moving forward without comment as is usually the case in these sorts of interviews with these sorts of networks.

The US federal prison population is currently about 158,000. That means that, if no new prisons are built, each current prisoner will be forced to share his or her cell with 1,900 other people. "Everyone gets to use the cot for 45 seconds a day," according to Bump. the toiler situation is going to be pretty horrific, as well.

You might be asking yourself how every American child between the ages of 7 and 17 is so guilty of vote fraud that they all deserve to grow old and die in prison . . . but don't ask. Your head will start to hurt. As one Twitter poster observed: "This is like playing poker with someone claiming to have 75,000 aces." Another: "The drunk guy in the bus station bathroom makes more sense."

In mid-December 2021, Lindell claimed to have spent $25 million pushing his completely false (and insane) stolen election claims. He has no plans to stop. "I will spend every dime I have." Well, it's either that or lose it to Dominion Voting Systems when the defamation case is decided. . . . After so many failed promises to produce evidence, it's remarkable that anyone believes him at this point.

Nearly a year ago, Lindell claimed he had lost $65 million in revenue because of boycotts over his  loopy lies about vote fraud. If his figures are true, he has spent and/or lost roughly $90 million in only 14 months

Lindell told The Daily Beast he is spending at least one million dollars every month, supporting several groups and right-wing activists. He recently formed an election-conspiracy group called "Cause of America", which is being run by two women who were part of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

According to reporters Adam Rawnsley and Asawin Suebsaeng,

it's hard to tell where, exactly, [Lindell's money] would have gone. The group's website hosts only links to election-related news, court documents from various lawsuits attempting to overturn the 2020 election, and a generic form where potential volunteers can "offer [their] expertise" or "connect" with Lindell's outfit.

Lindell is suing the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 insurrection after it sought his phone records from between November 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021. Lindell has hired batshit insane lawyer (and accused child rapist) Alan Dershowitz.

Lindell is also being sued for $1.3 billion by Dominion Voting Systems after accusing the company of "stealing millions of votes" and rigging the 2020 presidential election.

Amazingly, this latest bit of insanity from Lindell might not have been the dumbest shit spouted by a member of the Trump Death Cult & Anti-Reality Party yesterday:

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