Thursday, January 27, 2022

Crisis In America: Minnie Mouse's Blue Pantsuit Is A Progressive Plot To Distract Us From $30 Pieces Of Bacon (And Otherwise "Destroy Our Society")

Candace Owens Sees Plot To "Destroy Fabrics Of Society" In Minnie Mouse Wearing A Pantsuit
Allison Quinn, The Daily Beast, January 27, 2022
Candace Owens argued with a completely straight face late Wednesday that a new campaign featuring Minnie Mouse in a pantsuit in France is evidence of a progressive plot to "destroy fabrics of society" and distract from bacon that she claims costs $30 in the U.S. Speaking to Jesse Watters on Fox News, Owens appeared to barely contain her outrage. "I mean look, this is why people don't take these people seriously," she said. "They're trying to destroy fabrics of our society saying that there's issues, so everybody looks over here. Look at Minnie Mouse. Don't look at inflation, Jesse, look at Minnie Mouse. The world is going forward because you've got her in a pantsuit. Never mind that you can't get anything at the grocery store and you can't buy a piece of bacon unless you've got $30 in your pocket. At least we're addressing the real problem, which is Minnie Mouse," she said. It was not immediately clear where Owens got the idea that Minnie Mouse's traditional red and white polka dot dress had been deemed a "problem." Disneyland Paris and designer Stella McCartney made very clear in statements this week that the Disney character's new garb is only temporary, part of a one-month promotion to honor Women's History Month in March and Disney's 30th anniversary of its Paris theme park.
Jesse Watters: I have some real news and I can't believe I'm actually saying this, Candace, but Disney is totally changing Minnie Mouse. Disney is putting Minnie Mouse in a pantsuit. That's right. They're getting rid of the skirt and this is Disney Paris or something like that. And I thought, who better to ask about this than Candace Owens. Your reaction? Why are they doing this?

Candace Owens: Oh, I'm just so glad. I'm so glad they're doing this. Let me just tell you, Jesse. It goes back to, like when they did this to the M&M's and now they're making her more masculine and I'm glad that they're now saying -- realizing that this needs to be addressed. You know, all of us were traumatized when we saw Minnie Mouse and she was looking like a female as we were growing up.

I mean, look, this is why people don't take these people seriously. They're taking all of these things that nobody was offended by and feel like they have to get rid of them and destroy them because they're bored. You know, they're absolutely bored. They're trying to destroy fabrics of our society, pretending that there's issues. So everybody looks over here, look at Minnie Mouse. Don't look at inflation, Jesse, look at Minnie Mouse. The world is going forward because we've got her in a pantsuit. Never mind, that you can't get anything at the grocery store and you can't buy a piece of bacon unless you've got $30 in your pocket. At least, we're addressing the real problem, which is Minnie Mouse.

Watters: That's right. That's right. They're bored out of their minds and they're just making it all uncomfortable for the rest of us.

Wait until they find out about Bugs Bunny . . .

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