Thursday, December 09, 2021

Trump Attempts (And Fails) To Describe His Picture Book

Dementia J. Trump was asked to describe his picture book yesterday. He failed. Utterly.

Of his 397-word salad, only four concerned the book, which was put out by one of his sons (under the not-ironic name Winning Team Publishing), not an actual publisher: "pictures, largely, with statements". That's 1.007% of his answer.

It has been alleged that Trump picked out the pictures all by himself. I don't believe that, not even for one second. Our Journey Together – even the title is a lie, as everything Trump has ever done has been in service of himself only; there has never been an "our" – sells for $75 on Trump's website. You can get a signed copy for $230. Whether it will be signed by Trump is an open question. Would he bother wasting his time signing books? It wouldn't be hard to fool the dumbasses who are buying this and have some flunky sign them.

"It was a great time. It was a nasty time . . ."

So it's a book of pictures, largely, with statements, but a book of pictures, and I did it at the request of some – because we had a great presidency, even though we were surrounded by maniacs that were looking to do damage, but we had a great presidency in terms of what we – we rebuilt the military. We cut taxes more than, you know, the biggest tax cut in history, as you know, biggest regulation cuts in history. What we've done was just amazing. And it was, you know, in many ways it was a great time. It was a nasty time because the Democrats are absolutely crazed – two impeachment hoaxes, you look at the Mueller witch hunt, we went through so much, and yet we got more done than virtually anybody. I mean, you just take a look at what we did. And we had a tremendous foreign policy. You didn't have planes flying over Taiwan, and he understood that. You didn't have planes, bombers flying over Taiwan. You didn't have what's happening on Ukraine. You didn't have this, I mean, this looks like it's very serious stuff. They don't respect us any more. And then when you add in the worst, in my opinion, the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, which is the withdrawal from, the way they did the withdrawal from, I mean, Afghanistan, I've never, I've never seen anything – in all the years I've been doing this stuff, and I've been watching it just like you have, and I've been involved with it, as you are, I've never seen anything worse than the, or more embarrassing than what we did with Afghanistan. We lost soldiers, by the way, many, many very severely wounded that nobody even talks about. We left hostages, we left American citizens behind. We left $85 billion dollars worth of brand new, beautiful equipment, much of it, behind. I've never seen anything like it in my life, and I had that so perfect, every screw, every nail, every bolt was going to be taken out. Every tank – we would have taken everything, we're even taking down the hangers and we were keeping Bagram, Bob Graham, not because of Afghanistan, you know, is billions of dollars to build it. We were keeping it because it's one hour from the Chinese nuclear plant that's where they make the nuclear weapons.

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