Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Rand Paul Wakes Up Every Morning And Says: "I've Got To Somehow Prove To The World I Am A Bigger Idiot Than I Was Yesterday" -- And He Does It! Every Single Day!

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1/ Writing about Alex Jones is incredibly hard, because—I say this advisedly—it is impossible to do without writing at some length about {ahem} aliens, Satan, pedophiles, and the "New World Order." Jones talks about these subjects incessantly; they're part of the InfoWars mythos.

2/ What is new—and I mean just within the last few weeks—is Alex Jones beginning to slot *Trump* into this mythos. And Jones is doing so *just* as he's debating whether or not to throw Trump under the bus by testifying honestly before Congress. It's quite a coincidence of events.

3/ This article launches a new series at PROOF, and it includes a doozy of a reveal: that Trump's allies are starting to coalesce around a *replacement* to Trump that they believe can be the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2024.
Trump won't take this betrayal lightly.

4/ Included in the narrative at the link atop this thread are a slew of things you *never* see in far-right circles: aggressive, even *violent* criticisms of Trump; *open* planning to replace Trump atop the GOP; and what's quite clearly an ongoing rumination about betraying him.

5/ These things matter to the future of America for the obvious reasons, of course, but also for more subtle ones. There are indications—discussed above—that the House January 6 Committee doesn't believe DOJ is investigating the coup plotters. The implications of this are *huge*.

6/ We know that the HJ6C is contemplating a "criminal referral" of Trump to DOJ—but the simple fact is that if the HJ6C doesn't think DOJ is *already* conducting an investigation of the coup plotters, why would it respond favorably to a referral that comes 1 to 2 years after 1/6?

7/ This is another way of saying that Congress needs someone to betray Trump, in doing so making it impossible for Merrick Garland and DOJ to continue to *ignore* the 12 to 24 coup plotters that DOJ thus far appears loath to mess with (for inexcusably cowardly political reasons).

8/ It's for this reason that I decided to launch a new series looking at a growing body of evidence that no one seems to be talking about: the evidence—and there's a lot of it—that Trump's 1/6 conspiracy is on the verge of collapse. 
Which—if it happens—may spell the end for him.

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