Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Marjorie Nazi Greene Alleges "Serious Abuse" Of J6 Defendants (They Are Served "Gluten Food" And Told They Sound Like Cult Members) & Professes More Support For Terrorists Than Police; If Seditionists Win Back The House In '22, Gaetz (Under Investigation for Child Sex Trafficking) Says He Will Move To Install Trump As Speaker

Holy sh*t. "Matthews' memo calls...[Mike Flynn's brother] Charles Flynn, who served as deputy chief of staff for [Pentagon] ops on January 6...[an] 'absolute and unmitigated liar' for [his] characterization of the events of that day [before Congress]."

(PS) Remember that Charles Flynn—who wasn't in the chain of command on January 6—was *inexplicably* involved in the decision not to send troops to the Capitol. He's now being accused of the federal crime of perjury. Given that his brother is an insurrectionist, this is startling.

(PS2) Remember too that the "theory of the case" regarding the insurrection is no longer—and for some of us never was—that Team Trump wanted to take over the government that day, but that it simply needed the Pentagon and others to ensure the Capitol would be *briefly* occupied.

(PS3) What this means is that Flynn and his seditious co-conspirators simply needed the Pentagon *not to deploy troops to the Capitol* until the Capitol was occupied by Trumpist irregulars. We now learn his brother kept those troops away *and* may have lied to Congress about it.

(PS4) I'm not suggesting Charles Flynn was part of a seditious conspiracy. I'm suggesting his sense of what his brother and other Trumpists were trying to do on January 6 may have been unreasonably credulous partly due to family trust. And when he realized he'd been had, he lied.

(PS5) The much bigger question, to me, is which of Donald Trump's handpicked stooges at the Pentagon—Kash Patel or Ezra Cohen-Watnick—was responsible for putting Charles Flynn in a room he had no business being in on January 6. I suspect that *this* is where the real story lies.

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