Wednesday, December 01, 2021

As Every Single Republican In House And Senate Condones On-Going Racist Attack On Rep. Ilhan Omar (By Remaining Silent), Omar Plays A Recent Voice Mail She Received: "You Are A Fucking Muslim Piece Of Shit . . . Fucking Traitor . . . You Will Not Live [Much] Longer"

It turns out you can have clear and provable ties to several domestic terrorist groups, plan and execute an attempted violent and deadly overthrow of the US government, and make on-going racist comments that inspire numerous death threats against elected officials  . . . as long as you are a Republican representative and the Democrats control the FBI and Department of Justice.

While Democrats are working hard to downplay and/or ignore these threats, as well as dozens of voter suppression and nullification laws that are set to become established law in nearly every state, the true believers in this extremist death cult are asking serious questions: "When do we get to use the guns? . . . That's not a joke. . . . How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?"

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