Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trump's Bumbling Attorney John Eastman (Author Of How-To-Steal-Election Memo,
Which He Suddenly Now Disavows) Subpoenaed By January 6 Committee

Trump: "If I Endorse Somebody, They Win";
At Least 36 Candidates He Endorsed Lost In 2018 Alone

Both Sides

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1 comment:

  1. When I see all this awful shit gathered together, it's a good thing I have dogs, because if, in reaction to your posts, I stomped around the house cursing and overturning furniture, they would be terrified--so I don't. Only their presence cools my afterburners.

    What about you? You wade through rivers of shit to make these posts--do you keep blood-pressure medications close to hand? Do the dogs hide when they see you heading for the computer?

    (I can tell you my dogs hate having me listen to a ball game--neither screams of despair nor shouts of triumph really fit their ideas of a well-ordered world.)
