Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Like Trump, Biden Is Working On His Stand-Up Comedy (While Continuing Trump's Cruel Immigration Policies)

September 2021 is "the first time in 20 years" that the United States is not at war?

Seriously? Is this fucking guy for real?

I cannot understand why the UN did not burst into peels of laughter as they did three years ago when Donald Trump boasted about himself and everyone knew it was a ridiculous lie. Biden's not-at-war claim is on a similar level of detached-from-reality bullshit.

The United States maintains active-duty military troops in nearly 150 countries (out of 195) around the world and has more than 1,000 military bases in foreign countries. (It would appear there are exactly zero foreign military bases within the United States.) Also, murdering innocent people in other countries via drone is still considered an act of war, and Joe Biden, a neo-conservative, status-quo-reinforcing, war criminal, knows this, of course. But I guess the lie goes down better when it is spoken in a normal, complete, grammatically-correct sentence.

Biden has continued a number of Trump policies (in the exact same way Barack Obama kept in place (and accelerated and expanded) many of George W. Bush's inhumane and illegal policies. During the 2020 campaign, Biden promised a more humane immigration policy, but now that he is in office, he has simply continued Trump's cruel policies and practices.

Biden has fought in court to keep in place one of Trump's most-hated policies, the border expulsion under Title 42, a public health measure which has been used by both Trump and Biden as a justification to quickly expel migrants who have crossed the border without giving them an opportunity to apply for asylum.

NPR reports on the Haitian migrants in Del Rio, Texas:
Thousands of migrants — many originally from Haiti — have been camped out in squalid conditions since last week. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visited the site Monday and pledged to ramp up removal and expulsion flights of arriving migrants.

"If you come to the U.S. illegally, you will be returned," Mayorkas said at a news conference. "Your journey will not succeed." . . .

President Biden came into office promising a more humane immigration system. Yet his administration has continued to use the Title 42 policy — and defend it in court — despite mounting pressure from immigrant advocates.

The Trump administration had long argued that migrants coming across the southern border did not qualify as refugees fleeing persecution and therefore were not protected by U.S. asylum law. . . .

By March 2020, with coronavirus spreading rapidly in the U.S., the administration decided to invoke Title 42 to clamp down on the border. . . .

The Biden administration defends its use of Title 42 as a public safety measure to slow the spread of the coronavirus. . . .

But physicians and immigrant advocates said that position is merely a pretext to remove migrants from the country quickly — with the most recent example being those sheltered under the international bridge at the Del Rio port of entry. . . .

Immigrant advocates said they will keep fighting in court to end Title 42. They said it is particularly cruel to implement it in this case since Haiti is still recovering from a recent earthquake and major political turmoil.

The ACLU's [Lee] Gelernt said that the rights organization is "extremely disappointed but not shocked" by the Biden administration's decision to appeal the latest Title 42 ruling to the D.C. Circuit.

In the United States, some things do not change.

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