Friday, September 03, 2021

Jim Jordan: Trump Will Announce 2024 Run "Any Day Now"; Then He Denies Saying It, Unaware Cameras And Recording Equipment Are Things That Exist

Hmmm . . . so does this mean Trump is not going to be reinstated by the Supreme Court in January March August September (or November) (or early 2022)? . . . Interesting.

Trump has been banned from Twitter for nine months. In June, he deleted his personal blog after only 29 days because he could not stand being ridiculed for having so few readers. His pathological need to be the center of attention is one reason he would run, even though he doesn't actually want the job. the other reason would be that although he despises his supporters (in 2020, he said one "good thing" about COVID was he no longer had "to shake hands with these disgusting people"), he loves their money - and he's desperate to keep that particular grift going. (I'm sure he was thrilled pissant Gym Jordan leaked his big surprise.)

Plus: The shit is going to hit the fan (to some degree) regarding the January 6 insurrection and New York State prosecutors are moving ahead with the criminal indictment of the Trump Organization. If Trump can pretend he's campaigning, he can claim his mounting legal troubles are simply political persecution. It's worked for him before. He also knows (despite his #fakenews charades) the mainstream media, bored and annoyed with Biden, and unable to invent any sustainable controversies, will happily assist him (as it has dutifully done, to date) in his mission of dominating the news (and being the center of attention).

Up Next On "Mansplaining Today"

A Preview Of Lin Wood's Upcoming HBO Standup Special

1 comment:

  1. Denying the obvious is pretty much the Republican sweet spot.

    Now the Democrats are always willing to admit that there may well be another side to the obvious and so can't we all just sit down and discuss what Jim may or,actually, may not have said so that a compromise position can be negotiated or, at least, a commission for further study be formed.
