Thursday, August 19, 2021

Expressing Support For The Taliban (And A Corresponding Hatred Of, And Desire To Destroy, The US) Is The New Litmus Test Of A "True Republican"

Marjorie Nazi Greene, a fervent believer in only the most loopy, ludicrous conspiracies and a pro-treason dolt who enjoys harassing the teenaged survivors of school massacres (if she's not claiming the shooting never took place) and has encouraged the murder of prominent Democrats and says MAGA supporters should pull guns on (and possibly kill) vaccination volunteers, gives additional evidence of her refinement:

Joe Biden, you're not a president — you're a piece of shit.

Lauren Boebert, a seditionist imbecile whose tweets on January 6 regarding Nancy Pelosi's location were functioned as a roadmap for the murderous mob who wanted to assassinate the Speaker of the House, and the wife of a man who exposed himself to underage children, who is currently facing allegations of financial corruption and misuse of public funds, proudly proclaimed her support for the Taliban this week (and doubled down on her praise when criticized for it).

Matt Gaetz, currently being federally investigated as a child sex trafficker (among other crimes) and described as "a literal pedophile" by his soon-to-be sister-in-law (she later amended that label to the more-accurate "ephebophile"), believes the Taliban offers a more legitimate form of government than the United States.

Oh, by the way, Jennifer Carnahan, the head of the Minnesota GOP, faces calls to resign after a chapter chair of the Minnesota College Republicans and a Republican strategist and former congressional campaign manager were both arrested on charges of underage sex trafficking (and obstruction of justice), but Carnahan, who also also allegedly presided over a toxic workplace with unchecked sexual harassment, claims (in true GOP styleshe is the real victim here.

Mo Brooks, one of the main architects of the deadly January 6 insurrection and a chickenshit who is currently embroiled in litigation over his sedition, expressed sympathy for a man who threatened to bomb the Library of Congress.

They send only their best.

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Floyd Ray Roseberry, the 49-year-old domestic terrorist who threatened on Thursday to detonate a bomb at the US Capitol shared an anti-Biden video that was posted to Facebook by Donald Trump Jr. Roseberry attended StopTheSteal rallies, is adamantly anti-mask, is pissed that transgender people are serving in the military, and has a general hatred of the Democrats (okay, so he's not 100% off-the-rails).

He stated: "The revolution is on. It's here . . . I'm ready to die for the cause." (However, due to his white skin, he was not killed by law enforcement today, thus denying him an opportunity to die for "the cause".) His now-deleted Facebook feed featured right-wing and white nationalist opinions and he supports various groups, including White Lives Matter, Fox News [sic], US Patriot News, We Are TRUMP Nation, Donald Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.
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The most popular news broadcaster in the United States continues to spread the racist (and false) "replacement" theory. A definition:
The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory which states that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews, to promote miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence, and eliminationism in white-founded countries in order to cause the extinction of whites through forced assimilation, mass immigration, and violent genocide. Less frequently, black people, Hispanics, and Muslims are blamed, but merely as more fertile immigrants, invaders, or violent aggressors, rather than the masterminds of a secret plot.
Carlson has been pushing and defending this unfounded and incorrect racist theory into the mainstream for months, earning praise from Neo-Nazis while being supported by his Fox bosses. This racist belief is fast becoming part of the Republican platform.

Jesus, He Is So Fucking Stupid

Trump says it's "illegal for me to say" whether he's running for president in 2024. Who knows, he might actually believe that. Every single time you think he's exposed the absolute depth of his stupidity, he managed to go a bit deeper. It's his only skill.

It's not illegal, of course. But Trump knows that saying he's not running would put the brakes on his ongoing con of his ignorant supporters and he needs to grift those tens of millions of dollars to pay for his court cases regarding multiple charges of corruption.


  1. This is the strangest of all Topsy-Turvy Lands.

  2. Laura, it's fucking terrifying living in T-t Land.

    My Congressional District voted for Trump, my small town voted for him overwhelmingly, the local stores long ago stopped expecting either customers or staff to wear masks, Trump installations/shrines still are featured outside homes in Waldo County, the neighbor I've known for more than 40 years now proudly sports his Glock as he patrols his property, the Gadsden flag idiots still gather weekly at the corner of Main and High Streets in Belfast to cry defiance to the tyrants.

    It's awful. And since last November with the "stolen" election, with "so-called scientists" (no doubt funded by George Soros) trying out their "fake vaccines" on the "Chinese flu," it's even worse than during the Trump years. Paranoia and hysteria exponentialized, if you will allow that verb....

  3. Laura, it's fucking terrifying living in T-t Land.

    Oh John, I cannot imagine. I found it terrifying 20 years ago.
