Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Trump Announces Plan To Sue Several Private Companies For Enforcing Their Own Terms Of Service (He Also Joked About Deliberately Killing 600,000 People)

Donald Trump's latest grift is a gaggle of class-action lawsuits against Facebook, Twitter and Google and their respective CEOs (Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and Sundar Pichai) for, apparently, enforcing their terms of service.

(There should maybe be a rule that you cannot sue someone if you cannot pronounce their name.)

While pointing out that he will be the lead plaintiff in the lawsuits, Trump nonsensically called this publicity stunt whose only intention is to separate the MAGA rubes from their money, a "very beautiful development".
We're demanding an end to the shadow-banning, a stop to the silencing, a stop to the blacklisting, banishing and canceling that you know so well. . . . From the very beginning of our nation, freedom of speech has always been understood as a bedrock of our liberty and our strength. No one should have the power to take that right away.
You could set your watch by it: Immediately after the announcement, Trump began sending out emails begging for cash.

No legal justification exists for what Trump hopes to do. Social media companies are allowed to impose restrictions on what can be discussed on their sites and to ban anyone who does not abide by those restrictions. I'm so old I can remember when the idea that businesses should be allowed to exist free from government interference was a core belief of the Republican party.

And because Trump is a stone cold fucking idiot, he claimed the various actions taken against him by Facebook, Twitter and Google were "unconstitutional". Most intelligent people know the First Amendment prohibits only the government from restricting free speech. You only have to read six words to understand that. It has never had anything to do with private companies.

Blake Reid, a clinical professor at the University of Colorado Law School, said the frivolous lawsuit "has essentially no chance of succeeding in court but a high chance of drawing a lot of attention". That's where the non-stop grift comes in.

After Trump spent weeks encouraging and inciting the deadly seditious insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he was banned from numerous websites, including Facebook and Instagram (January 7), Twitter (January 8) and YouTube (January 12). Trump boldly started a blog, at which the only thing his supporters could do was donate more money. Alas, that grift was short-lived. Not one month passed before Trump scrubbed it because people were making fun of him.

Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman wrote that while Trump's announcement might sounds like a big deal, it's merely "puny and pathetic".
Trump is returning to his roots as a small-time grifter, desperate to draw attention to himself and willing to do just about anything to grab a few extra bucks.

The lawsuit itself is so laughable that it gives away the game . . . Facebook [is] a private company that set up rules for those who chose to use its service. Trump repeatedly violated those rules, and was kicked off. It really isn't all that complicated . . .

No one expected [Trump] to discover dignity for the first time in his 75 years, yet so much of what he is doing these days is just petty and small. . . .

As soon as Trump announced the suit, fundraising texts were blasted out to his supporters. . . .

This is a reminder of Trump's truest nature: a sad small-timer telling everyone how big he is.

For much of his career, there has been no scam too small for him to pull and no product too cheesy for him to hawk, whether it was steaks or ties or vodka or vitamins. . . .

If it could bring in a few bucks, he did it. And that's what he's still doing.

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