Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Campaign Of Death

Fox continues to dedicate dozens of hours of programming "to its crusade against the administration's push to vaccinate the country". 

Tucker Carlson said vaccine requirements would be a slippery slope to eugenics. (Carlson also recently claimed he has never spoken out against vaccinations.)

Wait a second. Who is doubting that vaccines work? For the record, we never for a minute doubted it.  . . . We believe in science . . . [W]hen they said this stuff works, we never questioned it.

That is, of course, a colossal lie.

(It is always also worth mentioning that Fox's lawyers have argued in court on more than one occasion that no "reasonable person" should ever believe anything Tucker Carlson says.)

There is no end to the list of right-wing extremists who are encouraging the deaths of as many Americans as possible:

Brian Kilmeade, Fox & Friends: "The focus of this administration on vaccination is mind-boggling. They're going to knock on your door, they're going to demand that you take it, and they're going to give you a third shot." (What "third shot"? He did not explain.)

Charlie Kirk compared vaccination to "medical apartheid" and a "hostage situation", in which you will be allowed to "have your freedom back if you get the jab".

Lauren Boebert referred to Biden's "Needle Nazis", federal agents coercing people to take "the experimental vaccine" and wondered: "Did I wake up in Communist China?"

Marjorie Nazi Greene called Biden officials "medical brown shirts". This comparison came shortly after she stated mandatory mask-wearing was exactly like the Nazis requiring Jewish people to wear a Star of David.

Tomi Lahren called flight attendants who enforce health precautions "Nazis of the air". (Last year, Lahren said people comply with social distancing rules have submitted to a form of "willful slavery")

Jim Jordan: "What's next? Knocking on your door to see if you own a gun?" (As long as they don't want to see anyone who has knowingly turned a blind eye to numerous sexual assaults, Gym should be okay.)

Mitch McConnell says he's "perplexed" as to why so many Americans are refusing to get vaccinated. (If Mitch can't remember his basic propaganda, it might be Sippy Cup time.)

Salon's Amanda Marcotte believes these pro-death comments have been made because

the delta variant is starting to tear through red state communities, and right wing leaders are afraid that their followers are going to start going wobbly on this plan to sacrifice their own health and possibly lives in order to sabotage Biden’s pandemic response. 

At CPAC, the anti-vaxxers . . . gloated from [the] stage about how the vaccine rates aren't what Biden had hoped for, and the audience cheered and applauded.

The amazing thing is that if Donald Trump had done the absolute bare minimum and followed basic health guidelines to hinder the spread of the virus – something he then could have bragged endlessly about  he likely would have waltzed through the campaign and been easily re-elected and been able to continue his massive grift.


  1. I turned my horses out last night with fly masks, but when they showed up this morning, they had that obstinate, smirky look of Trumpistas. They'd rolled and managed to dump their headgear. And they immediately kicked in with the First Amendment stuff:

    --You can't tyrannize us with your so-called masks! We are sovereign equines, and you hold no sway over us, nosirree! Now, where's our fucking grain???

  2. The Pure Irony of the GQP killing their own moronic "supporters" ..... remember about a year ago, Greg Abbott claiming he was prepared to die for his "beliefs" ...... turns out, he was just preparing the waters !
