Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Insurrectionist Taunting Police At Capitol For "Protecting Pedophiles" Turns Out To Be A Convicted Pedophile

CNN, June 4, 2021:

A Trump supporter accused of storming the US Capitol and heckling police officers for "protecting pedophiles" previously served jail time after being convicted in the statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl, according to court records reviewed by CNN and lawyers involved in the cases. . . .

According to prosecutors' description of the footage, [Sean McHugh of Auburn, California] allegedly shouted, "You guys like protecting pedophiles?" . . .

McHugh was convicted in 2010 on a state charge of unlawful sex with a minor . . . There was DNA evidence that connected McHugh to the girl . . .

McHugh has been charged with eight federal crimes tied to the Capitol insurrection, including trespassing charges and the more serious counts of obstructing congressional proceedings and assaulting police officers with a dangerous weapon.

They really should be called the "Projection Party" because everything -- and from scores of reports, it is hyperbole -- everything they accuse anyone else of doing, they are already guilty of it.

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