Friday, May 14, 2021

In 2019 Video, Prior To Being Elected, Marjorie Taylor Greene Squawks Into AOC's Office's Mail Slot, Telling Her To "Get Rid Of Your Diaper"; This Psychopath Later Began Worshipping A Guy Who Has Worn Diapers For 20+ Years Because He Often Shits Himself

This video was taken in 2019, a year before Marjorie Taylor Greene was elected to Congress. This arrogant and ignorant barrel of toxic waste has had an unhealthy obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for years

For this harassment (she was eventually removed from the Capitol), Greene was accompanied by a friend who returned as part of the terrorist mob on January 6, 2021.

Greene is a deranged, white supremacist who, since coming to Washington, has already menaced one representative (Rep. Cori Bush) into moving her office out of fear for her safety.

Greene supports the violent overthrow of the government and endorses the murder of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other Democrats. She believes Democratic leaders belong to a secret society of pedophiles and baby-eating cannibals. Despite this opinion, she is currently good friends with a guy who has quite recently raped numerous children (and is being investigated by the Justice Department for sex trafficking). She and Rapey McFivehead have spoken publicly in support of the Nazi sub-group she formed within the broader Seditionist party.

This week, Greene confronted AOC again, chasing her down a hallway while screaming about terrorism. That erratic behaviour is identical to when she stalked a teenaged survivor of the Parkland mass shooting, following him for blocks, calling him an "idiot" and a "coward", demanding answers to her inane questions. She also referred to Hogg online as "#littlehitler".

AOC remarked that Greene appears "deeply unwell" and "not in control" of herself. Indeed. "At this point, I think, the depth of that un-wellness has raised concerns for other members as well." . . . Greene "clearly needs help. . . . [Her] fixation has lasted for several years now . . . An assessment needs to be made by the proper professional."

In most jobs, a mentally unstable person acting in this way would be fired and escorted out by security. Considering that other equally unhinged representatives have admitted bringing loaded firearms to Congress and the House, I wonder if a lawmaker has to be shot and killed before anything serious is done about this untenable situation.

Oh, She's Also A Criminal

Diaper Don

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