Wednesday, May 12, 2021

An Active Denial Of Reality Is Now Mandatory In The GQP; Truth, Science, & Fair Elections Are "Tyranny" And "Democratic Talking Points"

What is the worst thing you can do if you are a Republican? 

Engage in the sex trafficking of children? 

Call for the assassination of various government officials?

Support the violent overthrow of the US government (and the murder of a few police officers while you're at it)? 

No, no, and no. 

The worst thing you can do if you are a Republican is: accept reality.

Protect The Terrorist Insurrectionists At All Costs

Republicans "Cancel" Liz Cheney For Acknowledging Reality

Treasonist, Hitler-Loving, Sexual Assaulter Gives Lesson In How To Be Classy

Dear Leader

Nothing Says Living The American Dream Like "She Was A Freed Slave . . ."


Yes, He Did - For Raping Children (It's The Republican Way)

Expanding Voting Rights = Tyranny

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