Tuesday, March 02, 2021

In the GQP's Death Cult, Your Death Is Simply The Cost Of Doing Business

One day after CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky strongly advised states to continue their COVID-19 restrictions, the Republican governors of Texas (Greg Abbott) and Mississippi (Tate Reeves) have decided to remove all restrictions.

A callous disregard for human life is one of the party's bedrock characteristics. 

Among the 50 states, Mississippi is 14th in cases per million and 5th in deaths per million. Texas is 24th in each category.

Abbott abdicated all responsibility, stating that everyone in Texas now has "the freedom to determine their own destiny". Which is ridiculous. This is a contagious, potentially fatal disease that has killed more than 44,000 Texans, a higher total than all but two states. Everyone who ignores mask mandates or refuses to distance is risking the lives of everyone around them.

The people who are taking the proper measures do not have the freedom to determine their own destiny. The children of those morons are also helpless, unable to safeguard their own health because their parents either don't believe the virus is real or they simply do not give a shit whether they, their children, or anyone else lives or dies. 

The Dead Can't Complain About How The Seditionists Fucked Up The Power Grid

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