Tuesday, March 30, 2021

2017: Matt Gaetz Was The Only "No" Vote On Anti-Human Trafficking Bill (418-1).
2021: Gaetz Is Under Investigation For Statutory Rape And Violating Federal Sex Trafficking Laws (He Also Has Ties To Florida Politician Accused Of Human Trafficking). (This Morning's Rumours Of Gaetz Considering Retirement From Congress Suddenly Make More Sense.)

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Apropos of nothing: In 2013, Gaetz, then 38 years old, "adopted" a 12-year-old Cuban boy named Nestor, who was supposedly the younger brother of one of Gaetz's ex-girlfriends. There are no adoption papers that support Gaetz's claim and I see reports stating Nestor's father never gave his son up for adoption. . . . It seems somewhat suspicious.

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