Friday, February 12, 2021

Trump's Defense Avoids Any Rebuttal Of The Actual Charge Of Insurrection (His Lawyers Were Unable To Correctly Define The Word); They Also Coined The Phrase "Incitement To Resurrection", Name-Dropped The Steelers' Quarterback, Showed A Madonna Video, Refused To Say Joe Biden Won The Election Legitimately, And Required A History Lesson About What Impeachment Actually Is

I've served on a jury only once in my life, back in the 1990s, but . . .

(a) I don't remember the judge being cool with jurors getting up and leave the courtroom during testimony; and

(b) I know I wasn't allowed to help the defendant's lawyer plan out his case. P.S. Insufferable assholes marvel at Jason Miller and say, "Wow, that guy is an asshole!"

Philip Bump, Washington Post:
If all politicians use "fighting" language, why did only Trump's supporters act on it?

Trump's Lawyer Lies About Trump's 1/6 Speech, Unaware (?) Video
And Transcript Of The Entire Speech Exist In Numerous Places Online

"This Attack Is Not About One Speech. Most Of You Men Would Not
Have [Married] Your Wives With One Attempt At Talking To Her."

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