Thursday, January 21, 2021

Biden Is President For Only A Few Hours Before Hannity Attacks Him For Not Having Pandemic Under Control

Joe Biden was officially the president for only a few hours when Fox's Sean Hannity criticized him for not having the pandemic under control.

I'm not sure exactly when Hannity spoke, but Media Matters posted an audio clip at 4:35 pm ET:
They're minimizing, I noticed, on getting COVID under control. "It's going to take a lot of time, a lot of time. Our team is eager." I thought he was going to do this on day one. . . . Trump left you multiple vaccines. You're in much better shape.
By the way, that's the same pandemic Hannity called a hoax in March and said was no big deal because "we're all dying anyway", before claiming in mid-May that the worst of the (fake?) crisis was over (the death toll was only 84,000 then). Hannity also claimed vaping prevented people from catching the virus, attacked public health measures, said the pandemic was "getting better, not worse" when cases were skyrocketing in mid-July, was "pretty certain" the pandemic would be over "sometime in the fall", promoted the deranged theories of the demon semen doctor, praised Trump for lying about the virus, brushed the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans under the rug, hyped Trump rallies that were proven to spread the virus, and criticized (in late October) what he called a "constant coronavirus hysteria". Hannity also never mentioned a study that found a correlation between watching his show and higher numbers of COVID cases and deaths.

I still expect to see Fox put a permanent "Biden COVID Death Toll" in the corner of the screen, with the numbers spinning like an odometer.

Eric Boehlert (Press Run) reports that since Biden won the election, Hannity's ratings have fallen through the floor:
On the night before the election, it was 1.2 million viewers 25-54 for Hannity, compared to Maddow's 770,000 and Cuomo's 806,000.

For the first half of November, Hannity held his ground, finishing as the top one or two 25-54 program on November 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18. Then the tide turned. As the Trump's "stolen" crusade took flight, the Hannity defeats started occurring like clockwork. How often does Hannity's time slot now come in last place among viewers 25-54? On all of these dates: November 20, 23, 24, 25. December 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30. January 4, 6. . . .

Last Thursday, Hannity landed 500,000 viewers 25-54, compared to 1.7 million for Cuomo and 1.1 million for Maddow.
Interviewing a blind laptop repairman (that no one cared about months ago) is not the way back to the top. Also, the caravans have returned!

P.S. Trump had nothing to do with any of the vaccines. The first one was developed with no assistance (financial or otherwise) from the White House. The others came about in spite of Trump, not because he did anything.

P.P.S. Hannity will have a BIG IMPORTANT GUEST tomorrow night! lol

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