Thursday, December 03, 2020

My Nomination For "The Dumbest Fucking Thing Anyone Said All Week"

My nomination for "The Dumbest Fucking Thing Anyone Said All Week".

Americans built this country, and we don't need to import a third world slave-class to make it successful.
This tweet was written by Lauren Witzke and she's the complete package.

Witzke supports white supremacists (publicly praising both the Charlottesville Nazis and the Proud Boys) and is anti-Semitic. She hates immigrants (which you likely inferred from her WASP-y last name) and she believes the Earth is flat. She believes the Sandy Hook school shooting was staged.

She believes Donald Trump has been waging a secret war against pedophile-cannibals in both the Democratic Party and Hollywood (aka QAnon). Trump was also supposed to conduct mass arrests and executions, but it looks like he might not have time now. She believes Anthony Wiener's laptop contained information implicating Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin in child sacrifice and child sex trafficking. (Note: She also believes the US government knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. So at least one of her conspiracies is correct.)

Witzke lost her 2020 campaign for a Senate seat in Delaware (though she received 37.9% of votes). At one of her campaign rallies in August, a speaker stated the Democratic Party is funded by human trafficking.

She posted an image to her Pinterest page stating Black Americans have not shown enough gratitude over white soldiers dying for them in the Civil War. "Over 620,000 white people died to free black slaves. And still to this day not even 1 thank you."

"Not even 1"! lol

By the way, the figure of "620,000" is an old estimate of the dead soldiers on both sides. More modern estimates of Union deaths are approximately 430,000. According to one study, 8.6% of the Regular Army (white) troops died in the war, while 20.5% of the US Colored Troops were killed (and they were not enrolled until eighteen months after the war had begun.)

Witzke says she used to be a drug runner for Mexican cartels, as well as a drug addict and alcoholic. She was arrested in Tennessee in 2017 on a series of charges, including violating both heroin and methamphetamine laws, driving under the influence, resisting arrest, and introducing contraband into a penal facility. 

She claims Trump's victory in the 2016 election inspired her to get clean (although those arrests happened the following year) and she has described Trump as "anointed" by God.

The Insanity Is Infinite!

1 comment:

  1. >>Americans built this country, and we don't need to import a third world slave-class to make it successful.<<

    Dumb for sure, but off-the-charts offensive.
