Thursday, October 08, 2020

Trump Claims He Beat Biden In Their Second Debate (Which Hasn't Happen Yet (Oct. 15) And In Which He Is Refusing To Participate)

Donald Trump called into Maria Bartiromo's program on Fox News this morning and, in the words of Rolling Stone's Peter Wade:
wasted no time in proving that he is still an awful human being. ... [He] hit many of his usual unhinged, baseless, racist, dangerous, callous, boast-filled notes during the 55-minute call-in interview.
A possibly drug-addled Trump claimed he beat Biden easily in both of their debates so far:
I beat [Biden] easily in the first debate, according to the polls that I've seen [there were no polls showing Trump as the winner]. But I beat him easily, I felt I beat him easily. I think he felt it, too. He wouldn't answer any questions . . . But I beat him in the first debate. At the second debate, we had a never-Trumper as a host, but that's OK because I beat [Biden] in the second debate also.
That second debate, which has already happened in Trump's head (he used the past tense three times in describing it), is scheduled for next Thursday, October 15.

In the same interview, Trump stated he would not participate in the next debate if it is not an in-person arrangement.

Yes, the Very Stable Genius is refusing to be a part of a future debate which he says has already happened and in which he was (naturally) tremendous. And this is the guy who wants to make mental acuity a center point of this campaign?

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