Sunday, October 25, 2020

After Two Record-Setting Days Of New Virus Cases, Trump Administration Admits
It Will Never Have A Plan & Has Abandoned All Attempts To Contain The Pandemic

Five aides to Vice President Mike Pence have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. The positive tests have come "in the past few days", according to the New York Times. Pence, the head of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, did not wear a mask at a rally last night in Tallahassee, Florida, one of several violations of CDC guidelines. 

The Trump administration tried to keep the news of the positive tests a secret, just as they tried to hide the fact of the previous outbreak about three weeks ago. Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, dismissed the news, but did not deny its accuracy. 

During his incoherent interview with CNN's Jake Tapper this morning, Meadows told people to follow CDC guidelines but also implied masks are ineffective. 

Despite his close proximity to several people infected with the virus, Pence is refusing to quarantine and will continue with his campaign schedule.
Mr. Meadows was also pressed by the "State of the Union" host, Jake Tapper, on why Mr. Pence, who had been in close contact with his chief of staff, Marc Short, was continuing to appear at campaign events. Mr. Meadows said that the vice president was performing "essential" duties that exempted him from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines calling for people to quarantine for 14 days after exposure to the virus.

The C.D.C. guidelines allow "critical infrastructure workers" to continue working after a coronavirus exposure as long as they are asymptomatic. Campaigning, however, is not essential work. The guidelines also state clearly that a critical worker who has been exposed to the virus should "wear a face mask at all times," among other precautions. . . .

Mr. Trump and his aides have repeatedly laid out a false choice, implying that the only two options are to flout public health guidelines as he has, or to "lock everybody down" and "quarantine all of America," as Mr. Meadows put it on Sunday.
Meadows also admitted on national television that the Trump administration has abandoned all attempts at reducing the surge of new infections across the country.
"We're not going to control the pandemic."
"It is what it is."
The past two days have been the highest for new cases since the pandemic began: 85,000+ on Friday and 78,000+ on Saturday. The Times noted that "case numbers on weekends are often lower because some states and counties do not report new data, so the high numbers on Saturday gave reason for alarm".

The coronavirus is raging out of control throughout the United States, even as Trump lies about "turning the corner". Of course, this is the same guy who said, more than six months ago, on April 15, that new cases had "passed the peak" and the virus was dying out. Since then, there have been more than eight million new cases in the US and more than 200,000 deaths.

Six states – Alaska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico and Illinois – reported their highest-ever infection totals on Saturday. The worst outbreaks are currently in rural areas.

The Times:
[P]ublic health officials warn that Americans are heading into a dangerous phase, as cooler weather forces people indoors, where the virus spreads easily. It could make for a grueling winter that tests the discipline of the many people who have grown weary of masks and of turning down invitations to see family and friends.

Sure, The Melania Body Double Theory Sounds Nutty, But . . .

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