Thursday, September 17, 2020

Trump: "Maybe This COVID Thing Is A Good Thing ... I Don't Have To Shake Hands With These Disgusting People [His Supporters At Rallies]"; Trump Points Out That His COVID Response Looks Much Better If You Ignore All Of The Deaths In "Blue States"

Donald Trump's jibberish has sunk to new levels of incomprehensibility.

Trump claimed today that "they" are planning to "rip down Mount Rushmore"! (Does Trump understand that Mount Rushmore is solid rock and not simply a big curtain?)

The CDC Director announced the earliest a vaccine would be available is the second or third quarter of 2021. Trump said a vaccine was more or less right around the corner, adding that Americans should trust him over the head of the CDC "because of the great job we've done". 

Trump also insisted that if you overlook all of the deaths in the "blue states" (which don't really count), then the US picture looks much rosier, since the country would be "at a level I don't think anybody in the world would be at".

Allowing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans living in Democrat-led states was actually Trump's plan, as designed by Secretary of Failure Jared Kushner. Since the virus initially had attacked blue states hardest, a national plan was completely unnecessary. The White House should simply sit back and allow the virus to decimate those blue states.
With the US death toll over 202,000, Trump is hard at work . . . commissioning studies of Twitter's ever-changing list of "Trending" topics.

In a speech last night, US Attorney General Bill Barr called wearing masks, avoiding crowds, and other safety measures as "the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history" since slavery.

Trump says the "biggest" threat to upcoming election is "ballots".

Olivia Troye worked as homeland security, counterterrorism, and coronavirus adviser to Vice President Mike Pence for two years. She will be voting for Joe Biden because of Donald Trump's "flat out disregard for human life". 

Troye said Trump spent more time worrying about Fox News spreading his propaganda than on the virus and added: "I would not tell anyone I care about to take a vaccine that launches prior to the election. . . . I would wait to make sure that this vaccine is safe and not a prop tied to an election."

Troye also reported that during a coronavirus task force meeting, Trump said: "Maybe this COVID thing is a good thing. I don't like shaking hands with people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people [referring to his supporters]."


It's Not A Cult!

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