Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Trump Expands His Anarchist "Bags Of Soup" Conspiracy To Include "Cans Of Tuna Fish"

*** Follow-Up: "Okay. Why Have You Acted Helpless And Weak And Allowed China To Kill 200,000+ Americans And Destroy The Country's Economy?" "A Very Different Number" . . . Such As 300,000 Or 400,000 Or Even 500,000. Meanwhile, Trump Can't Pronounce His Own Name . . . Or Spell It
The "Sir" Story to End All "Sir" Stories Trump (July 4, 2020): Cancel Culture Is "The Very Definition Of Totalitarianism" And Has "Absolutely No Place In The United States Of America" LOL! White House Still Using "Two Weeks" Excuse Even After It (Finally) Became A Meme It All Depends On Your Definition Of "Mass" Debate #1

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