Sunday, August 02, 2020

Trump's Plan: "I Golf, You Die"

Sunday, July 19, 2020:
We're signing a health care plan within two weeks. A full and complete health care plan ...
Sunday, August 2, 2020:
Donald Trump has been promising for nearly four years that ________ will be done "in the next two weeks" or ________ will be announced "in the next two weeks".

It's the perfect amount of time if your only goal is to fool people into believing your empty promises.

It doesn't seem like an unreasonable additional amount of time to wait, but it's not so soon that people (including journalists) still remember it and are waiting.

Nothing ever arrives, nothing is ever done, nothing is ever announced. Because nothing was ever being worked on when the "two weeks" promise was made.

However, more than a few people have caught onto Trump's trick this time around.
He has a plan to protect statues of confederate generals.

He has a plan to use federal mercenaries to shoot, beat, and kidnap citizens who are exercising their right of peaceful protest.

He has always had a plan to keep his tax records forever hidden from scrutiny.

He has always had a plan to further drain the US Treasury and funnel additional billions of taxpayer dollars into his wallet and the wallets of his family and business associates.

He has always had a plan to cheat in the upcoming election.

He has never had a plan to ever tell the truth about what he does.

He has never had a plan for a pandemic that has infected more than five million Americans and killed more than 158,000 of them..

He has never had a plan for testing.

He has never had a plan for medical supplies.

He has never had a plan for additional hospital beds.

He has never had a plan for the opening of American schools.

He has never had a plan for distributing a vaccine (whenever one is created).

He has never had a plan for the 40 million Americans out of work (because he had no plan for the pandemic).

He has never considered coming up with a plan for any of those things.

He has never cared about any of those things.

And he never will.

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