Friday, August 07, 2020

Trump Warns: Don't Elect Biden! Sleepy Joe Will "Hurt God"!

Joe Biden is a old, doddering, out-of-touch, basement-dwelling, shut-in with dementia, according to Donald Trump, who warned Americans yesterday that Biden is so powerful that he will "hurt God" if elected.

Yesterday, speaking in Cleveland, Ohio, Trump warned that if Biden is elected president this November, he will make all religions illegal in America and triple your taxes.
[Biden is] going to do things that nobody ever, would ever think even possible ... Take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible. Hurt God. He's against God. He's against guns. He's against energy. Our kind of energy. I don't think he's going to do too well in Ohio. If he did, we'd have a big story. He's not going to do well. ...

I was in Texas the other day. I said, wait a minute. The other side is against guns. They're against oil and gas. They're against religion, Bible, God. How's he going to win Texas? How is he going to win Texas? So he's not going to win Texas. He's not going to win Ohio.
Trump has also claimed that Biden is anti-window and will never match Trump's accomplishments when it comes to water pressure for dishwashers and bringing back old light bulbs.

Trump will also not take any guff from the leaders of Thighland, Nipple, and Button.

Under my administration, all of that has changed. We stood up to the foreign cheaters. We defended American jobs. We imposed massive tariffs on foreign washing machines [which are then added to the price, so Americans are the ones paying the tariffs] and we saved the workers of Whirlpool. In every thing we do, we are finally putting America first. That's right. During Joe Biden's five decades in Washington … Think of it. He's been in public office for 47 years. He's done nothing, now he's going to fix everything. ... I wouldn't say he's at the top of his game, would you? You think? ... [I]f he ever got this shot ... he's going double and triple your taxes. He's going to do things that nobody ever would ever think even possible. Because he's following the radical left agenda. Take away your guns. Destroy your second amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible, hurt God. He's against God. He's against guns. He's against energy, our kind of energy. I don't think he's going to do to well in Ohio. If he did, we'd have a big story. He's not going to do well. I was in Texas the other day. I said, "Wait a minute. The other side is against guns. They're against oil and gas. They're against religion, Bible, God. How's he going to win Texas? How's he going to win Texas?" He's not going to win Texas. He's not going to win Ohio. Bob told me we're better now in Ohio than we were four years ago [Trump won Ohio by 8 points in 2016; Biden leads 46-42 as of this week]. I'll take the same victory, but I think we're better. ...

I'm pretty good at this stuff. ... We're going to win bigger in Ohio now than we did four years ago. ... We built the greatest economy in the history of the world, better than any other nation by far. [This is a lie; Trump has told it at least 360 times] And then the plague was released by China. Whether it was incompetent or other reasons, it got out. ... And we will not forget that. We will not be forgetting that. But now, we're rebuilding. We closed it. ... [A]nd now we're reopening. ... And it's looking more and more like just as I predicted, it's going to be V. ... So we're doing really well. We're going to have a tremendous third quarter, but we’re going to have a fantastic next year.
More than 163,000 Americans have died in a little over five months. Fewer tests are being done than in recent weeks.

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