Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trump: "So I Said To My People, 'Slow The Voting Down, Please'"

Donald Trump, a life-long grifter, has had no problem continuing a fine American tradition. He has installed a former coal lobbyist (Andrew Wheeler) as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, tapped a former oil and gas lobbyist (David Bernhardt) to lead the Department of Interior, picked a top lobbyist for Raytheon (Mark Esper) to run the Defense Department, and named an automobile lobbyist to be in charge of the Energy Department.

Trump is not always successful, however. He was unable to place his personal physician as head of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Having made excessive donations to Trump's campaign, Louis DeJoy was chosen by Trump to destroy manage the US Postal Service. DeJoy earns tens of millions of dollars from his investments in the Postal Service's competitors; thus, he would greatly benefit from its destruction.

Why Were They Being Removed In The First Place?


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