Friday, August 14, 2020

Trump Removing And Destroying USPS Mail Sorting Machines In 49 States In Massive Election Fraud Scheme; At Least 671 Machines Have Disappeared Since June (Many Removals Happening In Key Swing States)

Igor Derysh, Salon, August 12, 2020:
Mail sorting equipment is being removed from U.S. Postal Service (USPS) offices amid a slew of operational changes implemented by new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, according to the head of the Iowa Postal Workers Union.

Numerous reports have detailed how changes made by DeJoy, a top donor to President Donald Trump and the Republican Party [he gave $2 million and was given a job for which he has no qualifications], have cut overtime and changed policies, which have slowed down mail delivery across the country. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said last week that DeJoy had "confirmed that contrary to prior denials and statements minimizing these changes, the Postal Service recently instituted operational changes" shortly after he assumed office.
Trump has brazenly announced one facet of his comprehensive plan (this, he has a plan for) to disrupt the upcoming election, to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters (with a focus on Democratic strongholds), to create such chaos that he can simultaneously claim the election was unfair and he was victorious, and therefore will not be leaving office.

Trump is admitting his crimes months before he plans to commit them. Why should he go to the trouble of hiding his plans, since the Democrats are doing nothing but watching him shred the Constitution and lay the foundation for a stolen election?
I'm sure Trump gets an extra thrill by admitting all of this and sneering: "So what are you going to do about it?"

So far, no one is doing a damn thing.


Ohio blocks new ballot drop boxes amid alleged moves by Trump and DeJoy to "sabotage" Postal Service

Supreme Court denies GOP attempt to block rules making it easier to vote from home amid pandemic

Changes by Trump donor heading USPS may "disenfranchise voters": former top Postal Service official

Obama: Trump trying to "kneecap" US Postal Service in order to "discourage people from voting"

Forget ads, speeches, poll numbers — this election will be determined by whether Trump can steal it


Say "We'll Be Looking At That Very Carefully And Will Have An Important Announcement In Two Weeks." Repeat For Four Years.


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