Monday, August 31, 2020

Trump, on Fox: "Shooting A Guy In The Back Many Times ... [The Cops] Choke Just Like In A Golf Tournament, They Miss A 3-Foot Putt"
And That Was Not The Most Insane Thing He Said (Though It Was The Most Offensive)

The steady deterioration of Donald Trump's mind is being broadcast in real time, thanks to Twitter and Fox and Trump's attention addiction.

Trump knows more about everything than anyone else, he has never made a mistake, China respects his very large brain, he knows the best words, hires the best people, makes the best deals . . . yet always seems to find himself in the shit. You'd think someone who has lied constantly for several decades would acquire a talent for it. Not Donald. When any obvious lie is mentioned, he must immediately construct and tell an even crazier lie to distract everyone's attention from the lie that no one believed. And on and on and on it goes.

That brings us to Monday night when Trump talked with Fox's Laura Ingraham for an hour (that's only Part 1!), sitting in his usual posture of someone patiently taking a dump, and (1) claimed the city of Portland has been burning for decades, (2) had no answer (not one word) when asked how his second term would calm racial tensions, (3) sounded like a five-year-old while telling a wacko story about "a plane from a certain city, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that ... there were like seven people in the plane ... and then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage" during the RNC, (4) referenced "all of those horrible race riots" that occurred during Obama's presidency, (5) compared police shootings to golfers missing close-range putts, and (6) insisted (as he has more than 30 times already that the coronavirus will magically "go away" at some point in the future.

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