Monday, August 24, 2020

Even Cut-And-Paste Is Too Much Work For Trump's Administration

I may agree with the 2020 Republican Party Platform more than I agree with the Democratic Party's platform:
The current Administration has exceeded its constitutional authority, brazenly and flagrantly violated the separation of powers, sought to divide America into groups and turn citizen against citizen. ...

The President has refused to defend or enforce laws he does not like, used executive orders to enact national policies in areas constitutionally reserved solely to Congress, made unconstitutional "recess" appointments to Senate-confirmed positions, directed regulatory agencies to overstep their statutory authority, and failed to consult Congress regarding military action overseas. ...

The next president must restore the public's trust in law enforcement and civil order by first adhering to the rule of law himself. ...

The current Administration has abandoned America's friends and rewarded its enemies. ...

The huge increase in the national debt demanded by and incurred during the current Administration has placed a significant burden on future generations. ...

We further affirm that courts should interpret laws as written by Congress rather than allowing executive agencies to rewrite those laws to suit administration priorities. ...

The current President and his allies on Capitol Hill have used those agencies as a superlegislature, disregarding the separation of powers, to declare as law what they could not push through the Congress. ...

The survival of the internet as we know it is at risk. Its gravest peril originates in the White House, the current occupant of which has launched a campaign, both at home and internationally, to subjugate it to agents of government. ...

We call for an objective review of the impact on readiness of the current Administration's ideology-based personnel policies, and will correct problems with appropriate administrative, legal, or legislative action.
The Republican National Committee's executive panel voted to make no changes to its 2016 party platform ahead of the 2020 election. Indeed, "any motion to amend the 2016 Platform or to adopt a new platform ... will be ruled out of order".

Trump and his toadies could not be bothered to do the work of having someone read through the thing even once. Trump's monumental laziness has infected everyone in his orbit, like an invisible enemy.

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