Monday, August 17, 2020

Donald Trump Makes His Brother's Funeral All About Himself (Just As He Did At His Father's Funeral 21 Years Ago)

After Fred Trump Sr. died in June 1999, his funeral service was held at Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan. At any earlier wake, Donald Trump
had recalled his father as "wonderful," "the best," "a fine man" who "gave us all a good start," according to the New York Post. But when it came time to eulogize his father at the funeral, the focus shifted noticeably. He began by saying it was the toughest day of his own life. It was ironic, he said, that he'd learned of his father's death right after reading a front-page story in the New York Times about the success of one of his own developments, Trump Place. He then enumerated all his other projects and said his father supported each one, and he finished by noting that on everything he'd ever done, Fred had known he would be able to pull it off. ...

The funeral of Fred Trump wasn't about Fred Trump; it was an opportunity to do some brand burnishing by Donald, for Donald. Throughout his remarks, the first-person singular pronouns—I and me and mine—far outnumbered he and his. Even at his own father's funeral, Donald Trump couldn't cede the limelight. ...

When his parents died—his mother died in 2000, one year after her husband—he said it was the closest he ever came to shedding tears. "I don't believe in crying," he said in 2005 to biographer Tim O'Brien. "... It's just not my thing. I have nothing against it when someone cries, but when I see a man cry I view it as a weakness.
Rolling Stone:
On June 29th, 1999, Trump gave a eulogy at his father's funeral at Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan. Others spoke of their memories of Fred Trump and his legacy as a man who had built solid, middle-class homes for thousands of New Yorkers. But his middle son, according to most accounts, used the time to talk about his own accomplishments and to make it clear that, in his mind, his father's best achievement was producing him, Donald.

Guess Who?

I posted about it, too, noting that Trump "joked" about it 22 times last year.

The Trump Campaign Forgot To Buy

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