Thursday, July 16, 2020

We're Doing Very Well, Our Poll Numbers Are Rapidly Rising, So I'm Firing My Campaign Manager

Donald Trump, July 9, 2020:
I think we are doing very well in the polls. I think, if you look at the different states, I think we are doing very well. We are rapidly rising.*
Trump, July 15, 2020:
This one [2020 election victory] should be a lot easier as our poll numbers are rising fast ...
Associated Press, July 15, 2020:
President Trump is shaking up his campaign team, replacing Brad Parscale as campaign manager with GOP vet Bill Stepien.
Kaitlan Collins, CNN:
Parscale was unaware of the change until a few hours ago, a person familiar tells CNN.

*: Nope. An ABC News-Ipsos poll shows a 67% disapproval rating for how Trump is handling the pandemic. Recent national polling places Trump between 8-12 points behind Joe Biden.

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