Friday, July 10, 2020

Tucker Carlson's Main Writer Resigns After CNN Reveals He Posted Racist And Sexist Comments Online For At Least Five Years (And As Recently As Last Week); Several Times, His Online Remarks Appeared In Carlson's Monologues

CNN reveals that Blake Neff, Tucker Carlson's main writer at Fox, posted racist and sexist comments on an online forum under a pseudonym for years.

Neff posted on the AutoAdmit forum under the username CharlesXII and was widely revered (several posters knew his identity and where he worked). After CNN was tipped off, it positively identified Neff as CharlesXII "by reviewing messages he has posted throughout the years on the forum and matching them up with publicly available information about him". (Also, some museum photos Neff posted showed his face in the reflection of the glass!).

Only last week, Neff posted to a thread titled "Would u let a JET BLACK congo nigger do lasik eye surgery on u for 50% off?", writing: "I wouldn't get LASIK from an Asian for free, so no."

Other comments from June: "Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down." ... "Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep."

CNN's report is extensive:
There has at times also been overlap between some material he posted or saw on the forum and Carlson's show. ...

On June 16[, 2020], a user started a separate thread about a video showing a Black man assaulting an elderly white woman in New York. Neff commented on the thread, "And to think, if this guy got killed in some freak incident while being arrested, we'd have to endure at least three funerals in his honor."

On the Fourth of July, Neff started a thread in which he jokingly "rated" members of the community using images from a 1990s video game from the makers of "Oregon Trail" that was pulled from the market due to its racist depictions of slaves. ... Neff assigned users on the forum images from the game, many of which depicted Black slaves using racist stereotypes. ...

On May 27, Neff wrote that Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib — known collectively as "The Squad" — want to "MAKE YOUR COUNTRY A DUMPING GROUND FOR PEOPLE FROM THIRD WORLD SHITHOLES." Responding to a thread on June 27 about whether "whites fear what's going to happen to them in 10-20 yrs," Neff wrote that he has "no plans to stay" in the country "that long." In December 2019, he said that "once Democrats have the majorities to go full FUCK WHITEY, things are going to get really wacky really quickly." He argued at the time that there is a "large minority of whites who are fully supportive of a Fuck Whitey agenda" and that "there's a suicidal impulse to Western peoples that honestly feels almost biological in origin." ...

Last month, Neff mocked a user who said they were leaving the board over concerns about the rampant racism on it. ... On June 16, Neff responded by quoting the user's words and adding, "LMAO if you think this shit will save you when the mob comes for you. Good riddance." The language notably echoed Carlson's comment, eight days before, when he had said "remember that when they come for you." ...

Sometimes, material Neff encountered on the forum found its way on to Carlson's show. For instance, on June 25, Neff responded to a post that quoted a news story about coronavirus-related interest in Montana real estate. He wrote on the forum, "Interest in real estate in Bozeman, Missoula, and the Flathead Valley has been on the rise for years." That night, in his monologue, Carlson said, "You're starting to consider maybe moving to Bozeman, and why wouldn't you?"

In some cases, language Neff used on the forum ended up on the show. The night of June 15, in commenting on a football coach who was the subject of controversy over a sweatshirt he'd worn, Neff wrote on the forum, "[I]t is your fucking right as an American to wear whatever T-shirt you want, and hold whatever political views you want. Christ." The next night on his show, Carlson said, "And they can wear whatever shirts they want. You thought that was true. You thought that was your right as an American." ...

[O]ver the course of five years, Neff has maintained a lengthy thread in which he has derided a woman and posted information about her dating life that has invited other users to mock her and invade her privacy. ... In 2015, Neff started a thread on AutoAdmit mocking a woman, with whom he was friends on Facebook and whom he described as an "Azn megashrew," sharing posts she had written about her dating life. He has continued to post to the thread and mock the woman, whom CNN Business is not identifying, as recently as late last month. ...

Through the years, the thread has generated nearly 1,000 comments — many of which used vulgar racist, sexist, and dehumanizing language to mock the woman. Neff also said he did not want other posters to harass her, but did not stop them from identifying her and posting links to her account. He also posted some photos from her account that did not show her face and continued posting about her dating life for years after the other posters had identified her.
A Fox News spokesperson told CNN Neff had resigned. Neither Neff nor Carlson responded to multiple requests for comment. ... Oddly, Fox did not offer Neff his own show.

Before working for Fox, Neff was a reporter at The Daily Caller, a conservative news outlet that Carlson co-founded. Neff told the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine: "Anything [Carlson is] reading off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me."

Carlson has, of course, long been accused of making racist comments on his show. Last December, he told The Atlantic that such "dishonest" accusations are "so far from the truth".

Carlson would have to go on air wearing his Klan robes and burn a cross in the studio to be more racist than he already is.

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