Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Trump: "We Are In the Process Of Developing A Strategy ..."
He Was First Warned About The Virus In Mid-November 2019

We had very successful briefings. I was doing them and we had a lot of people watching, record numbers watching. In the history of cable television there's never been anything like it. And we were doing very well. ... [A] lot of positive things were happening. ... So, I think what we're going to do is, I'll get involved and we'll start doing briefings ... probably tomorrow, and I'll do briefings. ... I'll do it at five o'clock like we were doing. We had a good slot and a lot of people were watching ... I'll be discussing the, as I call it, the China virus, the China plague, I'll be discussing it, and I'll also be discussing perhaps some other things. But, we're doing very well in so many different ways ... I think we're going to get it solved in numerous ways ...
Donald Trump, July 20, 2020

Normal Concerns, As Tens Of Thousands Die

Look! He's Got A "New Tone" ... Again!

Trump, Asked About His Child-Trafficking, Serial-Sexual-Abusing, Rapist Friend: "I Wish Her Well"
(Looks Like The "New Tone" Became The "Old Tone")

Also, no questions about Trump cutting CDC funding for testing to $0 or his terrorist gangs of secret police grabbing citizens off the streets, etc. ... Such good work, once again, "liberal media".

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