Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Trump Unhinged: Joe Biden Is Anti-Window & Wants To Abolish The Suburbs

Donald Trump is usually incoherent, unable to finish a full sentence before pinballing off in another unexpected direction. His one-hour monologue on Tuesday afternoon before a captive audience of reporters was, even for him, stunningly unhinged.

The entire thing is dizzying to read. There is probably no 20-word segment that does not include at least one lie. One snip that mentions nearly a dozen different topics:
Federal student aid and free community college. We're going to have every person in the world pouring into our country from all over the world. And by the way, the wall was so timely because it stopped people coming in from heavily infected areas of Mexico. If we had that, we would be in trouble like you wouldn't believe. You wouldn't believe. And remember, cases is different than deaths. And cases, we give you because our testing is the best in the world. And by the way, by far the most – find out which country tested 45 million people. If China, if Russia, if India tested 45 million people, or if they did tests like we did – check out how many cases they'd have. But it's still – we've done a great job. Get no credit for it. And I don't want the credit. I want the people that have done this great job – the people that have done such an incredible job when building the ventilators, and doing the testing, and building a testing platform that's been amazing. We have many platforms. Many companies have come up with different forms of tests. When we started there was no such thing. Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately. This is Joe Biden.
To fact-check only one part of that, the US border with Mexico is currently closed because Mexico closed it to stop people coming in from heavily-infected areas of the US. Same thing with the northern border. It's closed because Canada is keeping it closed to protect its citizens from the Plague States.

God, it's amazing:
[T]he world needs American strength right now, more than ever. And we've got it. We've got now, soon as all this equipment comes in, all made in the USA – we've got the newest, most incredible weapons anywhere in the world. We have the best tanks, the best ships, the best missiles, rockets. We have the best of everything. We have the best fighter jets, the F-35, the F-18. All of these assets are being built, tankers, incredible tankers, bombers. Hope we don't have to use them, but ...

Through Operation Warp Speed, we will deliver a vaccine in record breaking time. ... We're unleashing our nation's scientific genius to kill the virus. ... [W]hat China has unleashed on the world, it's hard to even fathom. I see people now, friends of mine, they walk up, they want to say hello, and they have to keep their distance and they're all covered up like you're all covered up with face masks. It's a different world, but we're coming out on top. ... Mandate net zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030, that basically means no windows ... I tell people when they want to go into some of these buildings, "How are your eyes? Because they won't be good in five years." And I hope you don't mind cold office space in the winter and warm office space in the summer, because your air conditioning is not the same as the good old days. ...

Abolish educational standards. Abolish, in the suburbs, you're going to abolish the suburbs with this ... We're going to do the exact opposite. Probably there has never been a time, and this is just a few. It's much worse than that. We did this very quickly. ... They're going to rip down the wall. It was hard to get that built. And now it's almost completed [Only about 3 miles of new wall has been built so far.] It'll be completed by a little after the end of the year. They want to rip it down and it's had such an impact. It's incredible. ... You think of it as an ancient statement. You wouldn't think that's possible today, but it's human trafficking of women and children. ... We have a 30 foot wall that goes six feet into the ground, stops a lot of the tunneling, because they're pretty good at tunnels. But we watch the tunnels and we have equipment for that. You can't make a left anymore and come into the United States loaded up with human traffic. ...

If you want law and order, for instance, I enacted recently when I saw what was going on with federal monuments, we don't have the right to do states, although we're trying to find it. But with the monuments, where they wanted to rip down Andrew Jackson. They wanted to rip down George Washington. They were actually heading over to the Jefferson Memorial, if you can believe that. But this has been going on, and I found an act that we've used and we have many, many people in jail right now. Many, many people in jail, all over the country, because they tried to destroy or in some cases got it down, a federal statue or monument. We haven't had anybody making a move since I enacted this. I signed an executive order a couple of weeks ago, and it says very simply, "10 years in jail. You do it, 10 years in jail." The amazing part is we're able to catch everybody ... [W]e have their pictures ... and oh, they were going to go for the Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln, standing with a young man who is being freed. And we said, "We're going to do something. We can't let this happen." ... So they were going to have 20-25,000 people that night, nobody showed up. Nobody. You know that, because you were disappointed to see that. The next night, I believe 22 people showed up. They said, "We're going to make it Friday night instead," and 22 people showed up. Four were actually arrested, because we have pictures of them knocking down other statues, so they're in jail now. ...

I think we have really good poll numbers. ... You look at the intercostal in Florida, you look at the Lakes, you see thousands of boats with Trump signs ... you look at bikers for miles and miles riding up highways proudly with their signs. ... The media doesn't treat us fairly. They never have, and perhaps they never will. ... I think you have a silent majority the likes of which this country has never seen before. ... Nobody's ever done what we've done, and now we're doing it twice. ...
Cases:   3,545,077
Deaths:    139,143
Nobody's ever done what we've done.

Coherence Is A Liberal Plot
Trump: "We confronted untrustworthy Chinese technology and telecom providers. We convinced many countries,
many countries, and I did this myself for the most part, not to use Huawei because we think it's an unsafe
security risk. It's a big security risk. I talked many countries out of using it."

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