Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Trump Is Doing Commercials For Canned Beans & Cookies In The Oval Office

After deliberately ignoring more than a dozen specific warnings about the coronavirus, causing more than 140,000 US deaths and putting 45 million Americans out of work, the President of the United States is using the Oval Office to sell cans of beans.
Come on!

This has got to be the bottom, right?

Have we — at long fucking last — reached the bottom?

. . .

Nah, probably not.

. . .
"We'll Never Make A Correction, Because I Don't Like Doing That"
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, Who Was One Of The First Trump Bootlickers To Downplay The Threat Of The Virus, Who Resisted Recommendations To Close Schools And Restaurants, Allowed Medical Centers To Continue Doing Elective Procedures (Even As Hospitals Reported Shortages Of Masks And PPE), Tweeted (And Later Deleted) A Photo Of His Family At A "Packed" Restaurant In Mid-March, And Has Continually Resisted The Advice Of Public Health Officials, Is The First Governor To Test Positive For SARS-Cov-2. Stitt Says He Has No Idea Where He Got Infected, But He's Sure It Was NOT At Trump's Poorly-Attended Rally In Tulsa, Where He Was Seen Without A Face Mask.

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