Saturday, July 04, 2020

On US's Independence Day, Trump Expresses Unambiguous Support For The History, Founders, Heroes, And Values Of The Confederacy (An Enemy Of The US)

Pulling down statues of men who were traitors, guilty of treason, owned slaves, and murdered Americans in war ... renaming places previously memorializing these slavery-supporting traitors ... forbidding the display of the Confederate flag at public events ... protesting the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children by police ... protesting the police's commission of myriad non-lethal crimes, such as rape, sexual assault, various forms of terrorism, destruction of personal property, stealing personal property . . .

Donald Trump sees all of that as:
a merciless campaign to wipe out OUR history, defame OUR heroes, erase OUR values and indoctrinate OUR children ... tear[ing] down statues of OUR founders, defac[ing] OUR most sacred memorials ...
In this context:
"OUR" history: The Confederate States of America

"OUR" heroes: Slavery-supporting men who seceded from the US to preserve slavery, declared war on the US, and killed US soldiers in battle in a defense of slavery

"OUR" values: Slavery, lynchings, genocide, etc.

"OUR" founders: Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, etc.
Trump is exalting a sworn enemy of the United States in the hopes of inciting his followers to commit acts of violence against peaceful Americans.

Trump is doing so on the day the US celebrates its independence and in the wake of reports that he has been silent for 18 months after being told Russia was paying cash bonuses for the murder of American soldiers.

I find it both shocking and typical that the Democrats do not believe Trump's actions (which also include numerous crimes regarding the coronavirus) rise to the level of impeachment. Yes, he can be impeached again.

More than 100 newspapers demanded that Bill Clinton resign after he spoke one lie about his sexual activity in the Oval Office. Not one US newspaper has called for Trump to resign, despite Trump committing numerous crimes far more serious than Clinton's every single day.

Trump will be in office for nearly seven more months; that's if he loses in November. He could do an incalculable amount of damage in seven months (think of all that has happened since December 2019). ... The Democrats don't seem too concerned.

He's as dumb as a fucking post.

The number of cases will be the same at any given moment whether you are testing or not. Testing shows you what is happening (so you can see the problem (what a concept!)) and fix it. Not testing simply means all of those existing cases are unidentified and unknown. The ONLY reason thousands of new cases are being identified is because thousands of new cases exist!

I'm sure Trump is not pretending here. He is truly this stupid ... but it is still difficult to fathom.

I wish someone would ask him:
Sir, have you considered telling the police to stop arresting people? According to your logic with testing, if the police never arrest anyone, crime would no longer exist. You would be responsible for getting rid of all crime!
But I'm not holding my breath.

Also: No one should ever get screened for cancer. Those tests cause the cancer to appear. #Bad

"We are now in the process of defeating ... people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing."

In A Fair Election, Yes. But Those No Longer Exist.

Exceptional (& Disturbing)

A Very Bad Night At The Star-Tribune's Headline-Writing Desk

An Amusing Thread

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