Thursday, July 09, 2020

Kids Need To Learn That Sometimes You Die ... In Government-Mandated Human Sacrifices ... But You've Got To Find A Way To Overcome

Donald Trump spent his morning "hurling all-caps rage tweets", while the pandemic continues to spiral out of control, before whining and rambling to the press:
The [Supreme Court] rulings we're basically starting all over again. This is a political witch-hunt… it's a witch-hunt, it's a hoax, just like the Mueller investigation… this is purely political…
Trump then babbled about people leaving New York ("you know what's going on)", accused Barack Obama of spying on his campaign (which the Justice Department has proven is a lie), and thanked Hispanic people for supporting him (polls show they don't).

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany also had quite a morning. She:
suggested that elective surgeries are the reason for an increase in US hospitalizations, not the skyrocketing spread of the pandemic (hotspots like Texas have actually banned elective surgeries because of the rise in COVID cases)

claimed children "will always come first in this administration", a statement with which the young children and infants separated from their parents and locked in cages for weeks and months might not agree

explained that when Trump said he wanted to "cut off" school funding, he really meant he wants to increase it. Trump believes children must return to school because they need the lunches served in schools. However, Trump also tried to end free school lunches for roughly one million students.

claimed Trump has "absolute immunity" one day after the Supreme Court ruled he does not. But that doesn't mean Trump believes he's above the law, not at all. "Absolute immunity is a legal term of art."

railed against recipients of government assistance — but somehow forgot to point out that her parents have received nearly $2 million in PPP loans

said Trump will release the taxes just as soon as "an audit" is complete. But (1) the IRS stated years ago that Trump is NOT under a confidential audit, (2) Trump has refused to release tax records NOT under audit, and (3) no one is willing to testify under oath than an audit actually exists.

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