Friday, July 03, 2020

I Also Think It's Noteworthy That The US President Has Posed For Numerous Photos Over The Years With Someone Arrested For Luring Victims Into A Pedophile Sex Ring (And Who Was Also The Close Assistant To A Convicted Pedophile Who Was Facing Child Sex Trafficking Charges When He Alleged Committed "Suicide")

Donald Trump has had quite a run over the past four years . . .
Presiding over the worst ruined economy since the Great Depression ...

Purposefully ignoring (and then actively encouraging the spread of) an out-of-control pandemic that has killed 132,000 Americans (so far) ...

Loudly and happily defending slavery, monuments to traitors, police brutality, myriad other forms of racism, sexism, and discrimination ...

Knowing for 18 months that Russia was paying cash rewards to terrorists for murdering American soldiers and not bothering to even mildly complain about it ...

Conspiring with a foreign nation to fix the next election ...

Avoiding prosecution for multiple charges of rape and sexual assault (while also confessing to assaulting women in a television interview) ...

And numerous other sadistic and heinous (and often illegal) activities that gave him the opportunity to gleefully watch other people suffer ...
Hey, why not throw in some charges of pedophilia and aiding and abetting sex trafficking?

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